You are blessed 

We are blessed more than we know. If we we would list down our blessings, then we realize how blessed we are.

If we are breathing every morning, if we have a roof over our heads, if we are eating, then we are blessed. And we have to give thanks to the one behind it all, our reason for survival, who give us the many chances eventhough we doesn’t deserve it. And we have our loving family and trustworthy friends that’s enough to be grateful for. 

Like me for one, I’m blessed with a 3rd chance in life & for that I’m thankful with all my heart & I promise that I will serve the Lord with my life. If before I’m not that thankful because I have not realized how blessed I am but now I am. I realized that someone out there is struggling and is taking their last breath, so who am I to even complain. This is just a test from God, and the Lord will not give me anything I can’t handle. 

And the Lord is correct, I never give up and now I’m enjoying Life to the fullest soon.